Opening a Business

As a gateway to western Montgomery County and at the confluence of several major road-ways, thousands of potential visitors from other parts of the County pass through Collegeville every day. This is a prime opportunity to make the Borough a destination that will attract visitors and businesses.

As a borough with a definable character, strong building stock, and aesthetic appeal, Collegeville is poised to capitalize on its unique identity. Beyond its infrastructural bones, as noted above, Collegeville is also home to Ursinus College, presenting the Borough a chance to capitalize on its image a historic “college town.”

Collegeville Borough is a small, compact community with side-walks on most streets. It is an easy walk for almost every resident to reach schools, open space, shops, cultural events, or restaurants within minutes.

A borough focused business survey was conducted in January 2019. See the Collegeville Borough 2019 Business Survey results.

The Borough’s Business Development Committee is working with the Borough, Ursinus College and the CEDC to develop and manage a long-term visionary plan for business development.

The CEDC supports businesses through promotion and community events.

Contact us if we can assist you with an administrative introduction and/or an opportunity to promote your business.

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