The Collegeville Main Street Draft Plan is Ready for Your Review

On March 20th, all Borough residents and the members of the Ursinus community were invited to review and comment on a draft plan for the 400 block of Collegeville Borough’s Main Street.  The meetings were held on the Ursinus campus and also available via Zoom.   

If you were unable to attend the meetings, you can watch the Zoom recording of the presentation and questions at your convenience at this link:

Overview of the Meeting and Next Steps

The plan emphasizes the importance of preserving the character of the historic architecture along Main Street, while promoting the adaptive reuse of existing buildings. The Borough hopes to welcome more restaurants and retail on the first floors of buildings and to create apartments and offices on the upper floors.

The Borough and College are fortunate that Silverback Investments, a locally owned and operated investment group (comprised of three Borough residents and one Buck’s County resident) are working with us to recruit businesses to our Main Street.  Silverback General Partner Phil Sapovits discusses their vision for the 400 block and the types of businesses they hope to attract in the last question at the Q&A at the end of the presentation.

Once everyone’s input is added to the Main Street draft plan, the plan will be reviewed by the Borough’s Planning Commission for any changes to the zoning, and then sent to the Borough Council for their review and approval. 

The Borough will then schedule a final presentation of the plan for everyone in the Borough again in June. The final plan will also be available on the borough’s website, and disseminated through newsletters and social media platforms.

We Need Your Input into the Plan.  Please take our survey!

It is important that we get your input and ideas on the sidewalks, streetscapes, parking, buildings, and businesses for the 400 block of Main Street.  The results from this survey will help us add to the revitalization plan for our Street.

You can take our on-line survey here:

Additionally, You are welcome to e-mail your ideas, thoughts and comments to Collegeville Borough at any time.

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